Booking status: Checking availability, Pending, etc.

Once completed the booking process there are 2 scenarios. 

  • The status of your booking to be “Check availability”

This means that we should check and be sure about the availability and rates of the tickets and/or the hotel selected. 

But what is checking availability and why does it happen?

In several of our packages and certainly those that include flights, prices are renewed based on the date we collect from our supplier, that is, the airline company, and/or the hotel. This information is transmitted regularly, approximately every hour in most cases. Moreover, the data we receive refer to the standard type of package, which is for one person.

In relation to availability then, the following cases may happen.

  • An hour ago there were available seats, but now it’s closed. 
  • The price for one person must be the price with which the package was calculated, but if there are more people in the reservation therefore the price is not the same for all the people and the price must be recalculated by sharing the extra cost to all participants. 
  • The hotel you have chosen, no longer has available room, or there are not enough rooms (eg. if you are 6 people and you need 3 double rooms), or there is no availability for the specific room type you have selected (eg. standard room) but there is for a different one (eg. superior room)

In general terms, we try to minimize the time of each process, in order for the results to be correct, but this is something that does not depend only on us.
Therefore, with the completion of the booking process there will be some time necessary for checking again. Should you make the reservation after 21.00 in the evening, there will be necessary more time for checking (up to 24 hours maximum), since human intervention is necessary, something that will take place after 09:00 in the morning of the following day.

ATTENTION! While the status of the booking is in “Check availability” you should not proceed with any payment!

Once the availability verification process has been completed, you will receive an informative email with the payment instructions and deadlines. If the amount indicated has not been deposited within the period indicated in the email received, the booking will be rejected and you will have to go through the process again, but perhaps this time at a higher price.

The deadlines are not the same for every package. They are detailed in the information of each package, as well as in the email you receive after making the booking.

Pay attention, so to know exactly when the payment is due. In the detailed information of each package you will find the corresponding terms and conditions.  

  • The status of the booking is “Pending

In this case, you will receive the informative email with the steps to take as well as the payment deadlines.

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